Posted on May 3, 2023 in BLOG | 0
New Wednesday Night Prayer service Series entitled “We Believe”
Beginning Wednesday, May 3 at 6:30pm
Posted on Feb 4, 2023 in BLOG | 0
Sign up for Mobile Text Alerts by texting “EphesusComm” to 34304 to subscribe
Posted on Jan 15, 2022 in BLOG | 0

Sign up for our
“Church Texting Service | Mobile Text Alerts”
and stay connected to upcoming events and information!
Just TEXT the Keyword “ephesuscomm” to 74121 to become a subscriber.
Posted on Oct 7, 2021 in BLOG | 0

Take a moment each Monday in October to pause with our Elders for an afternoon devotional thought from the Lord.
Monday Noon Devotionals
each Monday afternoon at 12:00pm via Zoom.
Zoom Meeting ID: 8353 4379 043#
Password: 159864
Dial in number: 301-715-8592
Posted on Sep 5, 2019 in BLOG | 0

Congratulations Elder Tracy Cook
“I just finished the eleven-week Community Police Academy. It was a very informative and enlightening look inside the workings of the Birmingham Police Department. Not only does this help me to have a better understanding of how to minister to the officers in the department, but to bring greater understanding how both the police and community can work together to make the city a better place to live”. FB ~Tracy Cook
Posted on Jan 1, 2019 in BLOG | 0

Pastor Tyler Buford was baptized on July 22nd, 2006 confessing faith in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of his sins. Two years after his conversion experience, God began to impress Pastor Buford that He wanted him to share his faith in a more public way. Pastor Buford eventually obeyed these promptings from the Lord, changed his studies from Physical Therapy to Theology and committed his entire life to ministry. While attending Oakwood University, he traveled around the United States and the World sharing his faith in Jesus Christ. During his final year in school, Pastor Buford was miraculously selected by the South Central Conference to carry sponsorship to Andrews University.
Pastor Buford has serves as the associate youth pastor for Grace Temple Seventh-day Adventist Church in Fort Worth, Texas (2011-2012); the interim youth pastor at Houston International SDA church (2014-2015); Ellen G. White Estate Research Assistant (2012-2015); Oakwood School of Religion Bible Worker (2014-2015); and NAPS volunteer.
Pastor Buford is happily married to Kristen Buford, who herself is a passionate educator and administrator, with ambitions to enhance Adventist Education. When asked what his life goal is, Pastor Buford responds, “It’s the prayer I’ve had since I gave my life to Jesus at eighteen, Lord? Please save me and lead me down a path in life where I can bring the most people with me to heaven.” Pastor Buford’s favorite scripture is Luke 1:17; ” And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”
Posted on Dec 20, 2018 in BLOG | 0

Welcome to our New Pastoral Staff
New Pastoral Installation
Sabbath, January 5, 2019
Pastor Larry Bailey
Associate Pastor Tyler Buford