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Adventist Community Services, Ephesus “Serving the poor and hurting in Christ’s name”

“Where there is no vision, the people perish”  Proverbs 29:18

Community Development Programs
Food Pantry
Facilitators – Jane Hood & Florence Shorter

We are open to the community the second Monday and the following Tuesday of each month. The Food Pantry is operated by volunteers from our church and members of the community. We give food to families and individuals according to the number of individuals in the household.

We are closed on Holidays.

Energy Assistance

Facilitator-Jane Hood
Many families face the challenge of maintaining their utilities. With the high cost of utilities due to the economy, many people find themselves in serious need of assistance. We provide and connect clients with resources to assist them in keeping their utilities on. If there is a family or individual in need of utility assistance, they may call us and leave a message on our voicemail @ 205- 252-7912. We will return the call to set up your appointment.
Disaster Response
Facilitator-Wayne Blanding

Adventist Community Services (ACS) volunteers provide disaster response services through the ACS Disaster Response Ministry to assist individuals, families and communities affected by natural and manmade disasters and unforeseen tragedies. ACS Disaster Response is well known for their expertise in Donations Management through Multi Agency Warehouses, Collection and Distribution Centers.

? More details… – Federal Emergency Management Agency, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security – Red Cross disaster relief focuses on meeting people’s immediate emergency disaster-caused needs – Radio Emergency Associated Communications Teams (REACT) – Volunteers of America is a national, nonprofit, spiritually based organization providing local human service programs and opportunities for individual and community
Crisis Care
Facilitator – Clarice Calvin

Crisis intervention is a temporary, but active and supportive entry into the life of individuals or groups during a period of extreme stress. Its goals are to mitigate the impact of the -event, facilitate recovery processes in people who are having normal reactions to abnormal events and restoration to adaptive function. Crisis intervention in its basic form is like psychological first aid and is not counseling or psychotherapy.

Clothing Closet
Facilitator – Annie Marbury

On the second Monday and the following Tuesday of each month the Clothes Closet is open to the community. It is operated by volunteers from the church and individuals from the community. We are here to helping meet the needs of families in our community.

We are closed on Holidays.
Homeless Ministry
Facilitators-Hattie Moore/Yolanda Spencer
Homeless Ministry

Under this program hundreds of homeless men, women and children are fed with a sit down nutritious meal every fourth Sabbath (Saturday) of each month in Kelly Ingram Park, downtown Birmingham. Blankets, shoes and clothing are also provided.

Contact: Hattie Moore (849-0981) or Yolanda Spencer (841-1177)
Tutoring and Mentoring
Facilitator- Richard Howard
ACS Tutoring & Mentoring Program provides early intervention in the lives of disadvantaged children and youth who face learning challenges by supplying individual support, care and guidance that can help them achieve academic success. By cultivating trustworthy relationships, the tutor and/or mentor serves as a medium for the child to receive the resources necessary for their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual growth. Contact number: 951-837-557 cell 205-252-7912 Office
Prison Ministry
Facilitator – Richard Howard

Provide ministering programs (prayer and Bible studies). Tutoring and Teaching services to the incarcerated at Birmingham City Jail and the Municipal Court.

We teach a Fatherhood class and provide ministering classes at the Limestone Correctional Prison through Alabama Justice Ministry Network.

We provide assistance to ex-offenders in obtaining housing and other services offered by Alabama Justice Ministry Network.
Elder Care

The ACS Elder Care Ministries program is a service for seniors and caregivers. This program offers educational workshops for individuals and churches that would like to address the needs of seniors in the church and community.

This ministry promotes Christ- centered, practical and sustainable solutions to successful holistic aging. I coordinates education and services related to aging, health, finance and social issues.
Youth & Young Adults Empowered to Serve
(Y.E.S.) -TBD

Y.E.S. is ACS Ministry that encourages high school and college aged youth to begin a life of service to their communities by working with ACS ministries.